Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Humble Lesson At Work

Today was supposed to be a great day, LOST is on! I'm up and ready to go, lunch packed, ready for some work. I walk into work, say hello to the girls and begin to get my desk ready for the day's work. When out of the corner of my eye, I see a battery pack on the floor, so me being my OCD self I had to pick it up. I squat down to get it and I feel a slight tear in the rear of my jeans. As the initial reaction of fear begins to overwhelm me, my eyes widen, breath has seize to exist, and a rush of panic ridden ideas roam the mind. Did anyone hear the tear? Is my entire ass hanging out? What the hell is going on? I slowly begin to rise, making small talk with the girls in my office, trying to play it cool. I wonder if they even noticed that I walked out of the room backwards? I quickly power walk it to the men's restroom where I begin to assess the damage. My worst fears are realized, my blue boxers are completely exposed, I practically am wearing a onesie, all I need are the buttons on my backside and I'm good to go! So, what do I do now? Suck it up and continue the day or miss a whole day's work?
So, the moral of the lesson is...If you see a battery pack on the floor, just let it go...

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